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Tony Sullivan, Director of Project Management – Healthcare

We are joining in the celebration of dedicated healthcare staff this week!

During National Hospital Week, we at Findorff would like to recognize and honor the ongoing efforts and work of our dedicated hospital staff and caregivers, as well as all the workers that keep our healthcare system strong during demanding times. Whether it be a minor renovation or the construction of a new, state-of-the-art medical facility, we send the best of the best, healthcare-certified team members to take on these projects.

But our efforts are empty without close collaboration with frontline staff to ensure that our projects go above and beyond their research and care needs. Every day we are inspired by the skill and dignity of every staff member who provides significant services to every person who walks through their doors. Your efforts do not go unnoticed or unappreciated!

Hard work and compassion are always at the forefront when it comes to our healthcare projects, with every facility designed and built in a way that we could picture ourselves and our loved ones getting top-tier care within them. Atmosphere holds power in the reassurance we need in a medical emergency, so Findorff strives to create settings of comfort and peace for all patients and staff.

Our business is giving you the space to do yours, and together, we create facilities that deliver top-tier care to those in need.To learn more about Findorff’s hospital work, check out our Healthcare Experience. For information to work with Findorff on healthcare opportunities, please reach out to Jeff Eckstein, AIA.

Every year, in late October, it is our honor to recognize Health Care Facilities and Engineering Week. As we think of the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE)’s theme, “Engineered to make a difference,” we recognize what a tremendous difference health care facility professionals have made in the last year and a half. Though providing exceptional care is not a new concept for them, their contributions have been critical in a time like no other.

When the pandemic hit in early 2020, facilities teams made sure all COVID-related measures and the buildings that support them were at the ready. Now, as we move through the continued impacts of the virus and its variants, their role is still significant. Ensuring that the facilities can operate at full capacity, dealing with increased patient volume, and striving to meet the revenue expectations needed to recover from COVID’s effect have been of utmost importance. Even under normal circumstances, providing for the proper environment of care is hard work. But for health care facility teams, rising to the occasion is the norm, no matter what the climate.

Working side by side with health care facility personnel inspires us every day to create quality healing environments. To learn more and how we can support your health care facility needs, please contact Findorff’s Business Development and Health Care Consultant Jeff Eckstein, AIA.

As we celebrate Healthcare Facilities and Engineering Week and reflect on the 2020 theme “Heroes of Health Care Facilities,” the effects of COVID-19 in our communities is at the forefront.

When the pandemic hit with full force last spring, it was clear that facilities teams would have a huge role in keeping patients (and the people who care for them) safe. Pretty quickly responsibilities increased from “the usual” to include pandemic-specific requirements. Many of you sprang into action adjusting pressure differentials that created negative pressure rooms or units, readying patients’ room or wings that were long-vacant, and securing additional N95 masks and other needed PPE. You were ready to meet the challenges each day – just like the frontline workers directly caring for patients.Your facilities teams also made sure emergency power, medical gases, and other critical utilities were ready during these crucial times. And because the pandemic threw capital and expense budgets off course, you addressed financial and staffing issues with hospital leadership as to not sacrifice care.

Providing for the proper environment of care is tough under normal operating conditions. Most of 2020 has been far from that and yet you and your teams, Heroes of Health Care Facilities, rose to ever-changing challenges in the face of COVID-19. After eight months you are still fighting this horrible virus every day. We know you wear masks daily, but this year you also deserve capes.

Tony Sullivan, Project Executive – Healthcare

This week we are honoring our healthcare heroes during National Hospital Week. On behalf of all us at Findorff, I would like to express sincere gratitude to those healthcare workers who go above and beyond to care for our communities during such a challenging time. Our appreciation for these workers extends far beyond just this week of recognition. As Findorff’s healthcare division leader, I see every day how our business works together with the frontline hospital staff toward a common goal of providing the best patient care possible.To support these healthcare workers, Findorff is working on several projects specifically designed for keeping staff safe during this pandemic. We are working on setting up a remote testing facility for the staff of a local healthcare site as well as adjustments to multiple clinics to make the work environment safer for the essential workers.

Most of our work with healthcare is in occupied settings where patient care is still going on. In the past two years over 85% of our healthcare projects have been completed in these occupied spaces. Because of these conditions, Findorff must coordinate closely with frontline staff (i.e. doctors, nurses, administrators etc.) to ensure that we are allowing them the space to continue providing excellent patient care while we work on improving their facilities. We are proud to work alongside such dedicated professionals.

Healthcare is not only a part of my professional life but also a part of my personal life as my mother, sister, and wife are all nurses. I feel honored to work in an industry that is dedicated to making improvements in medical facilities to ensure healthcare workers can do their jobs successfully.

Thank you to the wide range of healthcare workers; your hard work and dedication to public health and safety is what makes you heroes now more than ever.

Blog written by Findorff Superintendent Jeff Benson

Happy National Hospital Week! Along with everyone at Findorff, I honor the healthcare workers who support their communities with hope, healing, and passion for dedicated care. As a Findorff Superintendent, I see firsthand the skill and care in the daily activities of the incredible staff serving healthcare facilities. We honor that effort everyday by our own commitment to quality construction.

People often ask me how construction in the healthcare industry is different. The answer is simple: empathy. Here are some of the things we do at Findorff to keep empathy at the forefront of our work:

It is rewarding to work as a team with our healthcare partners. Together, we put hard work and compassion into the healthcare facilities that have such an impact on communities. Thank you to all the physicians, nurses, therapists, engineers, food service staff, environmental service staff, facilities staff, volunteers, administrators, and many others. You all create healthy and safe facilities that make profound and lasting impacts on all of us.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]– Blog written by Findorff’s Jeff Eckstein, Healthcare Business DevelopmentThis week is ASHE’s National Healthcare Facilities and Engineering Week. During this time, Findorff likes to recognize teams that serve as everyday heroes as they provide, manage, and maintain the healthcare physical environment.Behind the scenes, a lot of work takes place to ensure healthcare facilities are running safely and effectively. From providing electrical service, heating, and cooling, to the management of complex systems serving critical care spaces, these teams do it all. They are experts who regularly problem-solve and make decisions to best support patients and their families, as well as the people who care for them. Their hard work helps to provide the best healthcare outcomes, achieve operational excellence, and foster innovation. We salute those for providing optimal environments for people to get healthy. These people are our heroes.Findorff’s healthcare experts are inspired by such individuals. We understand that healthcare environments are places of healing. This drives everything we do. We are privileged to work side-by-side with the people who provide these critical settings.If you’d like to learn more, make sure to check out Findorff’s healthcare experience.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1532027784860{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1532028074358{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text el_class=”related-portfolio-posts-heading”]


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Blog written by Findorff’s Jeff Eckstein, Business Development Healthcare

In the last few weeks, this country has seen several unfortunate events resulting in tremendous despair. Recent hurricanes lead to significant flooding in Florida and Texas, where many were displaced from their homes. We’ve also experienced heartbreak in Las Vegas with a tragic shooting. At times like these, I’m reminded of the critical role healthcare facilities play in caring for people. Facility management during normal operations is a challenge at best on good days. During emergency circumstances, however, it’s truly an all-in, well-choreographed effort. Whether your facility is a large academic medical center, a community hospital, or critical access hospital, your role is crucial to maintain an environment of care. This is not news to you, regardless of the scale or location of your facility. As you plan for emergencies, you ensure vital systems are ready for that horrible day you hope never comes.

I’ve watched our own healthcare partners prepare for tough times. I’ve watched you learn about and adjust to the new CMS Emergency Preparedness rules that take effect on November 16, 2017. I know when your community needs your care, your facility is ready…like an airliner at the end of the runway waiting for takeoff. Regardless of the emergency, I’m confident you will provide the extraordinary environments that are necessary to serve your community. That said, let’s all take a moment to not only recognize National Healthcare Facilities and Engineering Week, but to also reflect on all you do for your patients, their families, staff, and administrators on good days and bad. It’s truly remarkable.

Blog written by Findorff Senior Advisor Tim Prince, MHA, FACHE

In celebrating National Hospital Week, we at Findorff offer our appreciation and respect for the incredible work that health care professionals do every day in caring for patients. It takes a tremendous amount of knowledge, teamwork, dedication, and commitment for hospital and health care staff to bring their expertise to bear on moments of compassion. Those actions truly make a profound difference in the experience of and impact on patients.

Designing and constructing health care facilities takes a lot of coordination, planning, and technical expertise too. To keep these facilities running smoothly is even more complex. Yet, while hospitals are intricate facilities with complicated systems, they also must be comfortable for patients in times of uncertainty, as well as supportive and efficient for caregivers. And complicating it all is declining reimbursement, increasing regulation demands, advances in technology, and escalating costs. Finding balance among these forces, while also bringing a focus and compassion to patient experience, is an incredible challenge. We hope that our small part in creating effective environments give all staff the foundational support they need: whether it is never giving a second thought to the fact that the lighting works as needed, having a sound, sustainable infrastructure that can be effectively maintained, appreciating the craftsmanship in the clinical care spaces, or getting that extra boost from a comforting space of respite.

Every day, we apply our values of character, community, and craftsmanship to help create caring environments. And while we respect the great work that goes on inside those facilities every day, during hospital week we take one moment to specifically honor and thank all our past, current and future clients for what you do. To all our clients, thank you for the opportunity to help you help others.

Blog written by Findorff’s Jeff Eckstein, Business Development Healthcare

My recent schedule had me crisscrossing the upper Midwest, and checking out the beautiful landscapes as I drove past large academic medical centers, community hospitals and critical access hospitals. I spent some time thinking about the challenges in facility management in healthcare. None of these challenges are new to you, because, regardless of the scale or location of the facility, you are responsible for providing the environment of care from the beginning of life to life’s end – and all the healthcare events that take place in between.

Day in and day out, you face issues around staffing, doing more with less and an ever increasing level of new regulations – from the new NFPA 101, 99 and their reference standards to the upcoming new Wisconsin Hospital Code. And it doesn’t end there, as reimbursements continue to decline, government-provided insurance programs become more uncertain and the care model transition from sick care to well care is unclear at best.

Even with these challenges, I’m confident you will be a part of maintaining the extraordinary environments that help provide exceptional care in your community. Take a moment this week to reflect on all you do for your patients, care givers, staff and administrators. It’s truly inspirational.

Blog written by Findorff’s Jeff Eckstein, Business Development Healthcare

Health Care Facilities and Engineering teams demonstrate heroism every day, while playing a vital role in keeping facilities safe and operating smoothly. This is mostly work behind the scenes – which is just the way they like it.

Keeping the power on, spaces heated, cooled and properly ventilated, maintaining domestic water supply, piped medical gas and vacuum systems, life safety and countless redundant systems and procedures for if/when things fail, while not easy work, you make it look easy every day. This allows your facility to focus on its true purpose, providing outstanding healing to your patients and their families, as well as caring for your staff.

Although most of this happens behind the scenes, facility operations are critical and there are other opportunities for you to have a significantly positive impact on your healthcare system. For instance, perhaps in a more visible way, you can make impacts the following ways:

Whether on the main stage or behind the scenes, health care facility managers and engineers are an essential partner in health care. Every day you too provide clean, safe and healing environments. Findorff is privileged to work side-by-side with you in these critical settings. We hope you have a wonderful National Health Care Facilities and Engineering Week!