Celebrating Health Care Facilities and Engineering Week 2021

Every year, in late October, it is our honor to recognize Health Care Facilities and Engineering Week. As we think of the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE)’s theme, “Engineered to make a difference,” we recognize what a tremendous difference health care facility professionals have made in the last year and a half. Though providing exceptional care is not a new concept for them, their contributions have been critical in a time like no other.
When the pandemic hit in early 2020, facilities teams made sure all COVID-related measures and the buildings that support them were at the ready. Now, as we move through the continued impacts of the virus and its variants, their role is still significant. Ensuring that the facilities can operate at full capacity, dealing with increased patient volume, and striving to meet the revenue expectations needed to recover from COVID’s effect have been of utmost importance. Even under normal circumstances, providing for the proper environment of care is hard work. But for health care facility teams, rising to the occasion is the norm, no matter what the climate.
Working side by side with health care facility personnel inspires us every day to create quality healing environments. To learn more and how we can support your health care facility needs, please contact Findorff’s Business Development and Health Care Consultant Jeff Eckstein, AIA.