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Innovative Clients in Need of Innovative Partners Becoming Game Changers

August 31, 2018

Blog written by Chad Eschler, Findorff Business Development

There are so many innovative products and talented scientists working to improve human life. It is astounding that I get to play a part in that progress. As a nearly 130-year-old construction company, Findorff is quietly becoming a game changer for many Midwest companies in the science and technology industry.

For some people it can be difficult to understand why Findorff is a sponsor or an active member at various technology-focused events. That’s fair. Do scientists and builders have much in common? What people don’t realize is that the ideas, challenges, and successes of those ingrained in the world of research and science inspire us to be better at our jobs. Specifically, we want to build better spaces for them to conduct their work and help them be successful, which in turn improves lives.

Findorff is pretty innovative in its own right. In the last decade, we were the first in the nation to use a new technology called BubbleDeck. This allows more stability and less of an environmental impact on large areas of concrete floors. We were also the first in the nation to present a project in virtual reality for city approval. We were also the first in Wisconsin to use a Semi-Autonomous-Mason, a brick-laying robot, for efficiency on large concrete block walls.

We have also performed other advanced construction practices. Our licensed pilots use drones that connect to thermal imaging cameras to help find anything from roof leaks to failing caulk joints. Additionally, our Virtual Construction team was asked to provide content for the REVIT software manual. If that doesn’t speak innovation, I don’t know what does! We are even using augmented reality to show clients their projects before we put a shovel in the ground.

Why is all of this so important to us? Findorff’s dedicated Science & Technology team works with clients that work to cure cancer, develop medicine to reduce illness, develop genomic advances that will prevent disease and dozens of other ideas that impact human life. We are proud to play a supportive role in these endeavors and work hard to help our clients get their products to market as fast as possible.