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Prefabrication and Its Benefits

August 20, 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When you think about an active construction site, you may picture bulldozers, masons, cement mixers, and the like. While this is accurate, there are emerging trends that are reshaping the industry. Today, many parts of a building can be assembled miles away from a construction site. In Findorff’s case, we are proud to support such building efforts with our Prefabrication Shop.Spanning 19,000 square feet, our Prefabrication Shop hums along at a busy pace supporting projects throughout the Midwest. It is also instrumental in meeting project demands. “We understand that our clients need efficient, fast, and cost-effective building solutions,” says Findorff Prefabrication and Construction Process Manager Justin Mitten. “Through prefabrication, we are streamlining construction by assembling building components in a controlled environment offsite. In turn, Findorff is better equipped to create a ROI for our clients.”There are four key areas where we see such benefits.

Prefabrication Benefits:

  1. Maximize scope: Prefabrication makes it possible to assemble building parts while other construction activities are underway. As this can lead to a reduction in schedule, the time saved can be used to expand the project scope while still meeting a targeted end date.
  2. Support speed-to-market goals: Our clients hire Findorff to construct buildings that support their organizational goals. School districts may need to address growth, while science-and-technology companies may need more innovative offices or production capacity. Regardless of the reason, we understand the need for their projects to be completed on time. The earlier a building can open its doors, the faster our clients can conduct business, support staff, generate sales, and more!
  3. Enhance jobsite safety: Prefabrication eliminates exposure to jobsite hazards. By assembling building components offsite, we have seen significant reductions in injuries. For example, over 30,000 hours have been worked at Findorff’s Prefabrication Shop without a single lost-time or OSHA recordable incident in the last two years.
  4. Create cost savings through manufacturing principles: A controlled environment like our Prefabrication Shop offers the opportunity for automation and lean manufacturing principles during construction. In turn, we can perform both repetitive and complex tasks, that are typically time consuming, more quickly with greater quality. This then translates into cost savings for our clients.

“These benefits make prefabrication a viable cost- and time-saving resource,” explains Mitten. “We are also experiencing a surge in the prefabrication of more than just individual building components. For example, rather than assembling separate walls or building systems, there is a focus on prefabricating entire rooms and buildings before a shovel even hits the ground.” Such construction is representative of modular building, which is quickly becoming a preferred delivery method for owners in the hospitality, housing, and healthcare markets. This is because of the enhanced quality and reduced schedules modular construction offers. For example, Findorff is currently working on two security buildings for Fort McCoy that are being built entirely at Findorff’s Prefabrication Shop, then will be shipped to the jobsite.If you are considering prefabrication for your next project, there are several factors to consider for successful results.

Creating Successful Results Through Prefabrication:

  • Early involvement is key: Findorff finds the most success by engaging with the design team and key stakeholders early on. Collaborating on the design of a project with the buy-in of those who will execute design is critical to avoid costly redesign and value-engineering efforts.
  • Follow an integrated project approach: An integrated team encourages collaboration from all. This is important as it leads to an overall understanding of project goals. It also helps identify opportunities where both prefabrication and modular construction can benefit a project.

Findorff’s prefabrication efforts can certainly be a valuable resource for your next project. Regardless of the scope, our end goal is to be a trusted partner that supports your needs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1532027784860{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1532028074358{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text el_class=”related-portfolio-posts-heading”]


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