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Waste Management Awards Findorff for Sustainable Construction

July 8, 2015

MADISON – As sustainable design is continually becoming a necessity in construction and is making big differences to protect our surrounding environments, Findorff is proud to announce it has been awarded the Waste Management® 2015 DART® Circle of Excellence Award for 2014 Diversion. This recognition honors top contractors in the industry who consistently achieve significant milestones in sustainability.

Although Findorff has been performing green building practices for decades, the Company’s efforts were put under a microscope in fall 2014 using Waste Management’s DART (Diversion and Recycling Tracking) tool to better track projects and analyze waste-diversion metrics. This innovative system updates information daily to provide accurate recycling totals and reductions in greenhouse gases.

Through DART, all of Findorff’s LEED® certified and major projects since March 2011 were reviewed. The results were astounding and reflect the following savings in resources:

  • 19,841,148 kilowatt hours of electricity: Equivalent to powering nearly 20,000 homes per month
  • 49,649 mature trees: Equivalent to producing over 615 million sheets of newspaper
  • 15,421,802 gallons of water: Equivalent to meeting the fresh water needs of over 200,000 people
  • 3,682 barrels of oil: Equivalent to the energy needed to heat and cool over 9,100 homes
  • 38,005 cubic yards of landfill airspace: Equivalent to meeting municipal waste disposal needs of nearly 600,000 people per month

Findorff’s focus on sustainability is not only driven by environmental demands as projects grow in size and complexity, but also by the Company’s commitment to making local communities better places to live, work, and play through green building solutions. Such service is exemplified by over 20 projects that are either LEED® certified or pursuing certification by Findorff as well as the various organizations we partner with to support the Company’s sustainable practices. It is with much gratitude that Waste Management recognizes such initiatives and we are proud to have been distinguished as a leader for our diversion and recycling efforts.
